About me

I am a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Quantum Voyage Healing Experience therapist. I also enjoy offering energetic treatments, group sessions, retreats, and meditations.
From a young age, I felt lost and out of place in this world. Over time, I even became anxious and depressed. I tried all kinds of therapy, but nothing seemed to help. Slowly, I began to lose faith in traditional talk therapy and treatments. Around the age of 25, I realized I had to seek solutions elsewhere.
I decided to travel through southern Spain. It became the journey of my life, opening up the hardness that had taken deep root within me. For the first time, I had to find my way alone, which made me look within for answers and guidance.
It felt as though this was the true purpose of my journey, not only for my personal development but also to start walking the path destined for me. This was the beginning of discovering who I truly am and why I am here.
I had learned Reiki just before I left on my journey. While in Spain, as I practiced Reiki on others, I realized how much I enjoyed it. I loved helping people feel better. The longer I stayed in Spain, the stronger my intuitive feeling grew. It felt as though this was the reason for my journey, not only for self-development but also to begin walking the path meant for me.
This was the start of discovering who I truly am and why I am here.
It became my mission to help people in need of healing and guidance. I knew that one day I would start my own practice to do just that. Welcome to that practice.
My ultimate dream is to one day establish a large holistic healing center that offers a space for various healing modalities. A major hub where people can come for physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual issues. A place where both social and meditative events are also organized.
Want to know more about me? Watch this (dutch) podcast.